Monday, April 16, 2012

Someone who never gives up

A person, whom I really admire, and who actually inspires me is Richard Branson. Of coerce, you know him: the CEO of Virgin empire, carefree and a little beet crazy billionaire, he is never out of business.

Richard Charles Nicholas Branson was born in 1950, Surrey, England in the family of barrister and a flight attendant. At school he struggled with dyslexia, he left it for publishing his own magazine at the age of 16. He had no money for this, just imagine, he sold advertisement space in Student magazine, making phone calls from a street kiosk! And was successful in it.  He gained $8 000 from selling advertising in the first addition.
In 1969 he launched a mail-order music company, called Virgin, future giant market player.

Up to now he owns 200 companies all over the world, including USA, Australia, Europe, Asia and Latin America. He expended his business and owns companies in aircraft industry, communication, music, tourism.

He is also known for his achievements in sports. He crossed both Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

He overcomes the boarders and always think in a different way. Look, he also owns a heart-shape island.

How, how did he manage to do all this?  Is there any time he is tired or depressed? When does he sleep, while he always works?

He says the secret is, that he never had to work at all, because everything he does is not work, is his hobby. Find something, you have passion to do, and you will never have to work. His courage, his dreams, creativity are what lead him to the goals.

I have read all of his books. When I am tired or lazy, I just open his biography. That brings me back to business and never let me give up.

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